1) ATM means _____________
(1) Any Time Marketing
(2) Automatic Teller Machine
(3) Any Time Machine
(4) Any Time Money
(5) Automatic Teller Money

Answer: (2) Automatic Teller Machine

2) Market Information means ________
(1) knowledge of industries
(2) knowledge of households
(3) knowledge of peers
(4) Knowledge of customer tastes
(5) All the above

Answer: (5)  All the above

3) A Call Centre is ______
(1) a meeting place for DSA's
(2) a back office set up where customer queries are answered
(3) a meeting place for customers
(4) Buisiness process Outsousing
(5) a training centre for DSA's

Answer: (2) a back office set up where customer queries are answered

4) The Target Group for Savings Deposit _______
(1)  Accounts
(2)  Newborn Babies
(3)  Students
(4)  Parents
(5)  All of the above
Answer: (5)  All of the above

5) Value-Added Services means ____
(1) Better value at a premium
(2) Costilier services
(3) Better value at a discount
(4) Additional services
(5) At par services

Answer: (4) Additional services

6) Price is an important factor for effective marketing. What are the other P's?
(1)  Product, Promotion and Place
(2)  Place, Persuasion and Promotion
(3)  Pride, Person and Place
(4)  Product, Paper and Person
(5)  None of these

Answer: (1)  Product, Promotion and Place